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Pond aeration is the best way to prevent algae bloom. Eliminating the need for chemical products by using an electric, solar, or windmill aerator is a cost effective, and efficient strategy to turn around a pond and put an end to algae bloom. We sell many different aerators and pond accessories.
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Quagga and Zebra Mussels are terrible aquatic hitchhikers.
Originally from Eastern Europe, it is commonly believed that Quagga and Zebra Mussels were transported to North America in ship ballast tanks. They multiply rapidly, growing in encrustations up to 18 inches thick. They pose a real challenge to boat owners, beach goers, and pond owners.
Redear Sunfish are the solution to these pests! Their prehistoric jaw bones earned them the title "Shell crushers" These fish aren't harmful to anything else but mussels and crayfish. Protect your pond and feet from mussel encrustations today! We have Redear Sunfish in stock ready to serve your water.